Seminar "Atom- und Molekülphysik"
summer term 2025
Friday 14:00 s.t.
Room 01.310
Please contact Till Jahnke (jahnke
) for a slot.
summer term 2025
Friday 14:00 s.t.
Room 01.310
date | speaker | topic |
28.03.2025 | Jonathan Beullens | Modeling and simulation of a Russian graphite moderated reactor for plutonium production |
25.04.2025 | Julia Achenbach | Advantages of 3D Printed Patient-Individual Moulds in Brachytherapy for Facial Skin Cancer |
02.05.2025 | --- | --- |
09.05.2025 | --- | --- |
16.05.2025 | --- | --- |
23.05.2025 | Horst Schmidt-Böcking | Kurzzeitspeicher zur Umsetzung der Energiewende |
30.05.2025 | --- | --- |
06.06.2025 | --- | --- |
13.06.2025 | --- | --- |
20.06.2025 | --- | --- |
27.06.2025 | --- | --- |
04.07.2025 | --- | --- |
11.07.2025 | --- | --- |
18.07.2025 | --- | --- |
25.07.2025 | --- | --- |
Please contact Till Jahnke (jahnke